Top 3 Ways to Foster Creativity in Children

We all like to think we’re creative, but we’ve all probably met people who just seem more creative than everyone else. Those lucky few appear to have an unending supply of interesting ideas, and it seems to come completely naturally to them. Before you feel too bad, it may surprise you to learn that creativity is more often developed than inherited. This is good news, because it means there are things you can do to develop creativity in yourself and in the children in your life. 

Teachers and parents who wish to foster creativity can do so mainly by providing outlets for creativity in childrens’ everyday lives. Education and emotional intelligence are key to children becoming successful adults but creativity is more and more being recognized as another critical personality trait in well adjusted adults. A creative mindset doesn’t just serve professional artists, musicians, and performers, but also people in STEM, business, and even political professions. It turns out that individuals with creative skills are also more open to new opportunities and are better able to adapt to changes in their life and in the world.        

While learning to be creative is a lifelong process, it’s easiest to begin in childhood, so here are some ways that children can be encouraged to think more creatively, and learn healthy ways to express that creativity in their lives.

1. Trigger Curiosity

Children are naturally curious and constantly learning. It’s the responsibility of parents and teachers to provide opportunities for children to have new experiences that create chances to learn, sometimes called Teaching Moments. This can take the form of visiting new places, engaging in new activities, and introducing them to new people. An interesting person, such as a magician, or juggler can make a big impression on a child. When a child interacts with a creative adult, it demonstrates a healthy expression of creative talent. Positive creative role models can inspire children to think more expansively, and can help them grasp abstract concepts.

2. Provide Time & Space for Free Play

Structured learning is important for children to obtain the bulk of their education. Daily school routines provide a sense of stability and consistency that create an environment conducive to receiving  information. Parents and teachers, however, also recognize the incredible power of down time in childrens’ lives. This indispensable component of a child’s daily life is key to the absorption of information presented at school because it provides rest and relaxation for a child’s brain as well as their body. Fun activities such as play dates and birthday parties are just the thing to reinvigorate a child and provide an opportunity for free play, a time when creative thinking flourishes in a child’s brain.  

3. Teach the Creative Arts

While it may seem simple, the best way to foster creativity in a child is to teach them the skills that creative people use. Instruction in art, drama, and performance provide the mental framework an individual needs to learn to express themselves in creative ways. Even seemingly spontaneously creative people have basic skills they continually draw upon, and those skills can be taught. 

So start finding ways you can encourage your child to be more creative, and the earlier the better!

Peter Burr

Peter Burr is a professional photographer and children’s entertainer in Boulder, Colorado

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